
  • Service organisations are confronted by the constant drive of customers to cut back on their expenses while maintaining or improving the quality of the service.  This is the case for both service companies as well as for internal supporting departments (e.g. Finance, IT, HR, Marketing). At the same time, the success of their organisation is dependent on the acquisition and optimal usage of highly educated professionals and/or expensive shared equipment, which are often hard to come by.

    Custom-made by scarce resources

    Afbeelding EN tekst Services - kopieIn the professional service industry, the customer often has a significant say in the content of the required service. Professional service delivery therefore is often custom-made and adapted to suit the individual client. The personal and direct contact with the customer plays an important role.

    In the customers’ organisation it is necessary to effect goal-oriented changes. Multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary collaboration is often needed. In addition, often the same space and often expensive equipment is shared amongst teams of professionals.

    Due to the in-depth and radical character of the service, the customer can experience a significant dependence on the service provider, and therefore demands high quality. As a consequence, it is the highly qualified experienced and, often, scarce resources who are responsible for the service.

    Afbeelding Chirurg OperatieThis makes service organisations strongly dependent on the individual capabilities of their people, and from their top performers, highly specialised capabilities are demanded. The hiring, training and retention of sufficient qualified personnel is not an easy task. These professionals are often scarce and need to be managed accordingly.


    We assist organisations in the professional service industry to effectively and efficiently manage so that the utilisation of scarce resources (professionals and equipment) are unambiguously supervised, and speed and productivity together with reliable delivery are optimal. Continuous Focused Improvement offers a proven proprietary scientific process in order to identify ineffective systems and human behaviour. Once these lever points have been identified we eliminate and replace them with processes and behaviours that are fully aligned with your overall objectives. Professionals will be able to develop and rely on stable and unambiguous priorities, commitment and ownership. Your organisation will once again work as a highly effective team. In merely a few months your organisation will be able to show significant improvements.