Growth model
Our CFI-Growth Model makes it easy to identify where you are and what is needed to improve your organisation. True lasting improvement and eventual world class can only flourish with with the recognition that every improvement initiative needs to be focused on the organisations lever. Methods and techniques are merely tools utilised to achieve the desired improvement.
Just as constructing a building begins with the foundation, each performance stage requires specific behavioural characteristics that should be in place before moving on to the next level. The organisation has to be aligned before it can become reliable, and needs reliability to fulfil its customer promises before it can move on to strive for world class.
Every organisation will already have a number of good working practices in place. Time and effort should be invested only in those areas where it is needed to bring your organisation to the next level of performance in the shortest possible time.
In order to make sure you only improve that which needs improving, we assist you in identifying those areas.
Learn how..